Wednesday, April 4, 2012

So Much To DO, So Little Time...

Yesterday after school I get an e-mail from the principal letting all teachers now that the Complex Area Superintendent is doing a walkthrough (today!). So was not prepared. My room was a mess and I couldn't even clean it because I was off to McTeacher night!! I worked at Mcdonald's for an hour and  a half to raise funds for our school PTSO. The kids always love seeing their teachers serving their food!! Working there is MUCH tougher than I ever thought..and this is my second year doing this, I thought I'd have the hang by now :P Hopefully next time will be a breeze.

Fast forward to today..just so happens that my P and CAS walk in during math! Good thing they came in when they did because the kids were all completely SILENT and totally engaged in IXL work on their mini netbooks. They totally just missed me yelling and getting all frustrated because some kids (who weren't paying attention) couldn't understand what greater than 2 meant. UGH. The CAS starts talking to a student and I was SO glad she picked a good one to talk to. Here's how the conversation goes:

CAS: What are you working on?
Student: We are working on interpreting line plots..Some students are having trouble with the vocabulary and are not understanding. Miss M. just went over it and now we are practicing.

How good was that?! I went over to give her a high five after :D haha.

Whew. I just feel like I can't keep up with all the things that I have to do!! I still haven't done report cards and they're due tomorrow!! I'm planning on using the next hour to finish my last 7 comments :D Then I will be very relieved. I can't wait to share some pictures of my kids art projects. They are coming out wonderfully!!

Last but not least..I want to know what you all do with your kiddos for Earth Day?! Any ideas?? We usually plant something around the school but any suggestions are greatly appreciated :D

Thanks and I'm off the bang out those report cards!!

PS: I'm getting a blog makeover soon!! I just got a preview and CAN"T WAIT!!! Been checking my e-mail religiously waiting it's arrival!
Glitter Words
[ - *Glitter Words*]